Navigate, learn, act, scale. Together.


By working together and sharing experiences, we can reverse biodiversity loss and put nature at the heart of corporate strategy. Ready to work together?


Regular in-person and virtual meetings to navigate the tools, insights and get confidence, wherever you are on your journey. Get involved


Facilitated independently and focused solely on the needs of those handed the Nature role, the Peer Group is for everyone tasked with delivering a nature-based strategy. Join us today

Untangling the complexity.

As the importance of nature and biodiversity targets and goals becomes clearer and more urgent, including for investors, there is a proliferation of activity, initiatives, tools and services.

Navigating and coordinating this growing wave of activity will be crucial to avoid confusion and accelerate action.

Join our regular meetings to share experiences, track the initiatives and learn best practice – to go further, faster.

Join hundreds of your peers.

We all want faster, more confident and better coordinated action to protect and restore nature and biodiversity that our people, planet, supply chains and economies rely upon.

Join our global, diverse, cross-sector community for location-specific collaboration.

GSK & Schneider Electric are Founding Partners of the
Nature and Biodiversity Peer Group